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Gendered Inequalities in Paid and Unpaid Work of Women in India ; : 1-12, 2022.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-20241116


The twenty-first century has brought in massive changes in the labour processes, employment relations and erosion of labour standards in all sectors—manufacturing, agriculture and service—of the world economy. COVID19 pandemic has brought centre-stage the feminist discourse on paid and unpaid work, visible and invisiblised work, officially recognised and officially bypassed/ignored work as well as women's contribution of care economy for the survival of humankind. At this juncture, this edited volume acquires a great significance as it not only connects the missing dots in the gendered labour markets but also makes a convincing case for an urgent need for fiscal expansion to ensure food and health security, protection of livelihoods and investment in human development in this unequal world. The book is divided into three parts: (1) macroeconomy and women's work, (2) women in the urban economy and regional diversity and (3) women in agriculture and allied occupations. © 2022 The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

Revista Katálysis ; 26(1):139-148, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20240052


O presente artigo objetiva discutir aspectos recentes da política de assistência social brasileira, considerando a incidência da radicalização do projeto neoliberal sobre seus serviços e as características de sua intervenção no contexto da pandemia da Covid-19. Elegemos como mote de análise central a relação entre a referida política e a gestão da força de trabalho mais precarizada e empobrecida, que no geral têm composto o público-alvo deste campo de proteção social. Tomando como base os fundamentos da crítica marxista da política social, a abordagem da assistência social procura desvelar as contradições inerentes a esta política de seguridade social, problematizando os principais elementos do endurecimento do ajuste fiscal no Brasil. Essas reflexões sedimentam as bases para a análise acerca da condição dessa política na gestão da força de trabalho mais empobrecida a partir das determinações da pandemia da Covid-19. A pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa, se assenta em revisão bibliográfica e análise de dados empíricos de fonte primária e secundária.Alternate :This article aims to discuss recent aspects of Brazilian social assistance policy, considering the incidence of the radicalization of the neoliberal project on its services and the characteristics of its intervention in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. We chose as a central analysis theme the relationship between the aforementioned policy and the management of the most precarious and impoverished workforce, which in general have made up the target audience of this field of social protection. Based on the foundations of the Marxist critique of social policy, the approach to social assistance seeks to reveal the contradictions inherent in this social security policy, questioning the main elements of the tightening of fiscal adjustment in Brazil. These reflections solidify the bases for the analysis about the condition of this policy in the management of the most impoverished workforce from the determinations of the Covid-19 pandemic. The research, of a qualitative nature, is based on a literature review and analysis of empirical data from primary and secondary sources.

Revista Katálysis ; 25(1):114-124, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20235291


Este artigo tem como objetivo discutir as contradições presentes no processo de incorporação das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs) ao trabalho dos assistentes sociais que atuam nas políticas de Saúde, Assistência e Previdência Social no contexto da Covid-19. A metodologia utilizada consiste em pesquisas bibliográficas, documentais (com enfoque nas publicações do CFESS) e observações decorrentes da experiência prática enquanto assistente social do Sistema Único de Saúde e do Sistema Único de Assistência Social1 1 Até novembro de 2020, a autora Erika Valentim atuou como assistente social nas políticas de Assistência Social e Saúde, mais especificamente no Centro de Referência Especializado em Assistência Social (CREAS) e em hospitais de referência contra a Covid – 19. Atualmente é assistente social atuante na Política de Educação, assim como a autora Fernanda Paz. . Foi possível identificar que o uso das TICs acontece de forma heterogênea e desigual nas políticas sociais, como estratégia para a continuidade dos atendimentos nos serviços públicos, ao mesmo tempo que apresenta aspectos comuns, entre os quais se destaca a recorrência a meios digitais não institucionalizados. Tal incorporação esbarra em questões éticas, na falta de acesso das populações mais vulneráveis aos meios digitais e na lógica produtivista que tende a intensificar a precarização do trabalho.Alternate :This article aims to discuss the contradictions present in the process of incorporating Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) into the work of social workers who work in Health, Assistance and Social Security policies into Covid-19's context. The methodology used consists in bibliographic and documentary research (focusing on publications from the CFESS) and observations due to a practical experience as a social worker in the Unified Health System and the Unified Social Assistance System. It was possible to identify that the use of ICTs happens in a heterogeneous and unequal way in social policies, as a strategy for the continuity of public services, but it comes up against ethical issues, in the lack of access of the most vulnerable populations to digital media and in the productivist logic that tends to intensify the precariousness of work.

Revista Katálysis ; 25(1):125-136, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20235150


Este texto discute o cenário do trabalho de assistentes sociais (AS) da Previdência Social (PS) no Brasil, a partir da pandemia do novo coronavírus, COVID-19. Busca evidenciar como AS responderam à pandemia, em termos do seu trabalho e quais as principais mudanças ocorridas na PS nesse período. Utiliza-se de uma entrevista semiestruturada na forma de grupo focal com AS da PS. A ênfase fundamental recai sobre os processos de informatização dos benefícios previdenciários e teletrabalho correspondendo ao aprofundamento do neoliberalismo e maior fragilização do trabalho.Alternate :This text discusses the work scenario of social workers (SW) of Brazilian Social Security (BSS) from the pandemic of the new coronavirus, COVID-19. It seeks to highlight how SW responded to the pandemic, in terms of their work and what the main changes occurred in BSS during this period. It uses a semi-structured interview in the form of a focus group with SW of BSS. The fundamental emphasis is on the computerization processes of social security benefits and telework, corresponding to the deepening of neoliberalism and greater weakening of work.

Revista Katálysis ; 24(2):269-279, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20234586


Este artigo busca problematizar o avanço do modelo ultraneoliberal presente no governo Bolsonaro e seus impactos na política de seguridade social brasileira, enquanto política pública e como tal, dever do Estado. O avanço das contrarreformas reacionárias destrói os sustentáculos essenciais da política de seguridade social: a saúde, previdência e assistência social. A metodologia escolhida consiste na pesquisa bibliográfica a partir de produções científicas publicadas em artigos e livros, como também, jornais e revistas sobre a temática. A agenda ultraneoliberal impõe uma perseguição sem precedentes aos direitos historicamente conquistados. Em tempos de pandemia pela Covid-19, as contradições da política de negação de direitos se evidenciam. O bolsonarismo tem implementado como política oficial a necropolítica, que advém de um domínio autoritário de definir quem deve morrer e quem merece viver, aprofundando ainda mais a barbárie social contra a classe trabalhadora.Alternate :This article seeks to problematize the advancement of the ultraneoliberal model present in the Bolsonaro government and its impacts on the Brazilian social security policy, as a public policy and as such, the duty of the State. The advance of reactionary counter-reforms destroys the essential pillars of the social security policy: health, social security and social assistance. The chosen methodology consists of bibliographic research based on scientific productions published in articles and books, as well as newspapers and magazines on the subject. The ultraneoliberal agenda imposes an unprecedented pursuit of the rights historically won. In pandemic times for Covid-19, the contradictions of the denial of rights policy are evident. Bolsonarism has implemented necropolitics as an official policy, which comes from an authoritarian domain of defining who should die and who deserves to live, further deepening the social barbarism against the working class.

Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy ; 39(1):13-27, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2324720


This article examines with empirical evidence the social protection measures implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in ten welfare states in the Global North. We analysed the potential similarities and differences in responses by welfare regimes. The comparative study was conducted with data from 169 measures, collected from domestic sources as well as from COVID-19 response databases and reports. In qualitative terms, we redeveloped Hall's theory on the distinction between first-, second- and third-order changes. In accordance with the path-dependence thesis, we show systematically that the majority of the studied changes (91%) relied on a pre-pandemic tool demonstrating flexibility within social security systems. The relative share of completely new instruments was notable but modest (9%). Thematically, the social protection measures converged beyond traditional welfare regimes, particularly among the European welfare states. Somewhat surprisingly, the changes to social security systems related not just to emergency aid to mitigate traditional risks but, to a greater extent, also to prevent new risks from being actualised.

Macroeconomic Dynamics ; : 1-22, 2023.
Article in English | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-2323932


The retirement of old workers increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, and health concerns are considered to be a critical factor. To understand the effect of pure health concerns during the pandemic, we analyze the impact of the aggregate health shock on retirement decisions using a life cycle model. The aggregate health shock changes the economy from the normal state to the pandemic state, where the probability of adverse idiosyncratic health shock increases, especially if agents are working. Simulation results suggest that the shock accelerates the retirement of agents aged over 60. The increase in retirement is significant even though the shock is expected to be temporary. Also, the effect hinges on the assumption that working poses a greater risk of receiving a negative health shock than retiring. Even accounting for the large income and wealth changes that US households experienced in 2020, a counterfactual experiment suggests that the aggregate health shock plays a prominent role in increasing retirement.

Calitatea ; 23(190):77-84, 2022.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2321696


Background: Risk Based internal audit is a control and supervision activity carried out by internal auditors using the output of risk management. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the implementation of risk based internal audit at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. Internal auditors need to know about risk management and risk maturity to identify key areas that require immediate supervision and follow-up. Method: This research is a case study qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Data was collected by means of interviews, observation and documentation. The analysis technique using triangulation is to collect data, reduce and draw conclusions. Results and findings: Researchers found that Social Security Agency while in Indonesian term is Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) Ketenagakerjaan as an institution that is mandated to manage labor social security membership fees and implement good governance and manage business risks. The risk management output is then used as the basis for conducting an internal audit. Discussion: BPJS Ketenagakerjaan carries out risk management to identify risks, identify areas that have potential risks and carry out risk profiling. This makes it easier for internal auditors to carry out the internal audit process. Impact: The results of risk management make it easier for auditors to identify risks and identify specific areas so that internal audits can run effectively and efficiently.

The International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy ; 43(5/6):550-568, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2325483


PurposeThis article contributes to the debate on how social policies and labour market regulation have been used to limit the socio-economic consequences of the pandemic by focusing on one specific economic segment of European labour markets: private consumption services, such as trade, tourism, catering and other support services.Design/methodology/approachThe analysis combines mixed methods and a variety of sources. First, we built a set of indicators from the EU-LFS microdata for 2019 and the 2018 Eurostat "Structure of earnings survey” and performed a cluster analysis (k-means) on the dimensions and indicators considered. Second, we elaborated EU-LFS data covering 2019 and 2020 (by quarter) and OECD 2020 data, and finally we traced Covid-related policy reforms for the period March 2020–December 2021 and analysed documents and information collected in different policy repositories.FindingsThe paper shows the relevance and characteristics of private consumption services in different countries, demonstrating that so-called labour market "outsiders” are highly represented in this sector and illustrates the policies adopted to respond to the pandemic in different European countries. The paper asks whether this emergency has been a window of opportunity to redefine regulation in this sector, making it more inclusive. It demonstrates, however, that the common approach in Europe has been dominated by temporary, short-term and one-off measures, which do not represent major changes to the social security schemes that were in place before the pandemic.Originality/valueThis article builds on the literature on labour market dualization, but approaches the concept from a different perspective – one not centred on the nature of employment relations (stable/unstable) but on economic sectors/branches. This article does not, therefore, discuss in general terms what happened to labour market outsiders during the pandemic, but rather focus attention on a specific group of workers who are highly exposed to risks stemming from dualization: those employed in the private consumption services. The economic sector perspective is an integrative way of framing dualization which is still under-researched.

Journal of Cystic Fibrosis ; 21(Supplement 2):S186, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-2319616


Background: The Cystic Fibrosis Legal Information Hotline (CFLIH) provides information on legal issues affecting people with cystic fibrosis (CF). Since 1998, it has provided the CF community with confidential information on health insurance, Social Security, employment, and education. Method(s): The CFLIH tracks each call according to the age of the person with CF, the caller's relationship to the person with CF, and the subject matter of the call. Result(s): The CFLIH received 10 870 calls in 2021;63% were related to a person with CF aged 18 and older and 37% to a child younger than 18;55% were from a person with CF, 7% more than in 2020;and 22% of calls came from CF centers. Of the 2444 calls from CF centers, 95% were from nonphysician staff and 5% from physicians. Twenty-two percent were from a parent of a person with CF, and 1% of callers were the spouse or someone with another relationship to the person with CF. Fifty-seven percent of calls were related to Social Security benefits, 9% more than in 2020. These calls were evenly divided between Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability Insurance. Sixteen percent of calls were related to benefits and coverage under a private or public health benefit plan: 34% of these related to private health benefit plans and 66% related to public health benefit plans. Of the public benefit plans, 53% related to Medicare and 47% to Medicaid. Nine percent of calls were related to CF in primary, secondary, and higher education, 22% more than in 2020, and 18% were related to employment. Conclusion(s): Total calls in 2021 stabilized after a record high of 13 405 in 2020. The surge in calls that began in 2020 was driven by problems caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and continued into 2021. Calls in 2021 exceeded pre-pandemic levels. In 2021, calls related to Social Security were 9% higher than in 2020. The increase in Social Security calls is attributed to persons with CF becoming unable to work because of the progression of CF symptoms, many of whom are not eligible for CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) modulator therapy. Calls also increased from those whose health had improved with CFTR modulator therapy who sought information about maintaining Social Security or health insurance while returning to work. The increase in Social Security calls is also attributed to an increase in the number of Social Security beneficiaries undergoing reviews of their disability status by the Social Security Administration. Employment calls continued to be higher than pre-pandemic levels. Remote work during the pandemic tended to help workers with CF maintain employment. Return to in-person work raised concerns about workplace safety, reasonable accommodations, and other workplace issues. Loss of employment with reasonable accommodations for CF was a common experience. The CFLIH increased health equity by helping maintain health coverage for vulnerable members of the CF community, which avoids disruptions in coverage and care. During the global COVID-19 pandemic, the CFLIH continues to be a reliable source of information in obtaining Social Security benefits, health insurance, employment, and safe access to educationCopyright © 2022, European Cystic Fibrosis Society. All rights reserved

European Journal of Social Work ; 26(3):519-531, 2023.
Article in English | CINAHL | ID: covidwho-2319305


The arrival of the pandemic which has affected the entire world, in addition to spreading fear due to the initial inability to manage the health crisis, has increased the fluidity and uncertainty in today's society. The system of social security itself has not only changed its contents, combining primordial material welfare with a relational type of well-being, but also its form. We have gone from the more conventional form of face-to-face relationships to the more innovative methods making us talk about e-welfare with the use of digital technology. If on the one hand the latter has removed the space-time barriers, connoting itself as smart welfare, on the other hand it has generated a digital divide, with the creation of the digitally poor. During the pandemic, schools, health care and social services have had to invent new operational methods on an experimental level by using cutting-edge organisations to meet their new needs. The aim of the article is therefore to shed light on these changes which are taking place by highlighting the operational and ethical implications of digitalisation in order to find a new approach to social work which has been seen as 'a beacon in the night of the pandemic'. L'avvento della pandemia che ha coinvolto l'intero globo, oltre a disseminare paura per l'iniziale incapacità di gestione dell'emergenza sanitaria, ha acuito le caratteristiche di fluidità e di incertezza della società attuale. Lo stesso sistema di protezione sociale ha cambiato non solo i suoi contenuti, affiancando al primordiale benessere materiale (welfare) un benessere di tipo relazionale (wellbeing), ma anche le sue forme. Si è passati da quelle più classiche che richiedevano esclusivamente un rapporto face to face a quelle più innovative che fanno parlare di un e-welfare che contempla l'uso del digitale. Quest'ultimo, se da un lato ha consentito l'abbattimento delle barriere spazio-temporali, connotandosi come smart welfare, dall'altro, ha generato un digital divide, facendo nascere il povero digitale. In piena pandemia la scuola, la sanità, il servizio sociale per fronteggiare i bisogni nuovi hanno dovuto inventare modalità operative inedite o agite solo a livello sperimentale da organizzazioni all'avanguardia. Scopo dell'articolo è pertanto quello di porre in luce questi cambiamenti in atto, evidenziando le implicazioni operative ed etiche del processo di digitalizzazione per ripensare ad un nuovo volto del lavoro sociale che ha rappresentato "un faro nella notte pandemica".

American Family Physician ; 107(5):490, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2314387


Disability is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits at least one major life activity. Family physicians are often asked to assess patients with disabling conditions that can impact insurance benefits, employment, and ability to access needed accommodations. Disability evaluations are needed for short-term work restrictions following a simple injury or illness and for more complex cases involving Social Security Disability Insurance, Supplemental Security Income, Family and Medical Leave Act, workers' compensation, and personal/private disability insurance claims. Using a stepwise approach built on awareness of the biologic, psychological, and social elements of disability assessment may facilitate this evaluation. Step 1 establishes the role of the physician in the disability evaluation process and the context of the request. In Step 2, the physician assesses impairments and establishes a diagnosis based on findings from an examination and validated diagnostic tools. In Step 3, the physician identifies specific participation restrictions by assessing the patient's ability to perform specific movements or activities and reviewing the employment environment and tasks. Steps 4 and 5 ensure proper documentation, billing, and coding. In complex cases, consultants such as psychiatrists and physical therapists may assist by providing insight into a patient's mental and physical impairments, activity limitations, and response to treatment. (Am Fam Physician. 2023;107(5):490–498. Copyright © 2023 American Academy of Family Physicians.)

Íconos Revista de Ciencias Sociales ; - (76):167-185, 2023.
Article in Spanish | Academic Search Complete | ID: covidwho-2313757


This article constitutes an empirical contribution regarding the correlation between economic informality and the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru. Based on interviews with merchants in the informal sector of the city of Huancayo, the pandemic-related impacts are analyzed in relation to income and livelihoods. It is argued that informal employment played an important role in the tragic indicators of public health in the country. The intrinsic flexibility of this type of activities, specifically for walking merchants, and the lack of access to systems and programs of social security were the main reasons that people worked in this sector to replace the income they lost due to confinement. Thus, the notion "replacement of income” in the economy appeared during the pandemic. The heterogeneity among those who carry out informal work, specifically in terms of their access to different resources, enabled such work and enabled some people to control their exposure to the virus. It is concluded that the focus on economic formalization of the last decades of financial liberalization are not considered advantages that informal activities offer in relation to formalization. In fact, informality continues to offer the best opportunity for immediate income and highly flexible options, in particular for adapting to crisis situations like the pandemic. (English) [ FROM AUTHOR] Este artículo constituye un aporte empírico sobre la correlación entre la informalidad económica y la pandemia de la covid-19 en Perú. Con base en entrevistas a comerciantes del sector informal de la ciudad de Huancayo, se analizan los impactos pandémicos en relación con sus ingresos y medios de vida y se sostiene que el empleo informal tuvo una gran repercusión en los trágicos indicadores de salud pública en el país. La flexibilidad intrínseca de este tipo de actividades, puntualmente para el comercio ambulatorio, y la falta de acceso a sistemas y esquemas de protección social fueron las principales razones por las que las personas emprendían en este sector para reemplazar los ingresos que perdieron debido al confinamiento. Así, se introduce la noción "recambio de ingresos” en la economía durante la pandemia. La heterogeneidad entre quienes realizan labores informales, específicamente en el acceso a diferentes tipos de recursos, permitió tales emprendimientos y facilitó que algunas personas controlen su posible exposición al virus. Se concluye que en el enfoque de la formalización económica de las últimas décadas de liberalización financiera no se consideran las ventajas que las actividades informales ofrecen frente a la formalización. De hecho, la informalidad sigue brindando la mejor oportunidad de ingresos inmediatos y opciones altamente flexibles, en particular para adaptarse a situaciones de crisis como la pandemia. (Spanish) [ FROM AUTHOR] Copyright of Íconos. Revista de Ciencias Sociales is the property of FLACSO Ecuador (Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales) and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full . (Copyright applies to all s.)

Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya ; - (12):55-63, 2022.
Article in English | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-2309338


The article analyzes coronacrisis impact on various segments of the population. The purpose is to identify universal and local consequences of the pandemic, as well as the sources to resist new challenges. For the analysis we use data from a FCTAS RAS study in the spring of 2021. The study showed that financial risks for representatives of all social groups are universal in Russian conditions. For disadvantaged segments of the population, for all analyzed reasons, the risks associated with obtaining stable incomes and employment grew. They are also less likely to contract the coronavirus and make significant lifestyle changes. For prosperous Russians, the risks associated with work are significantly lower. This allowed them to quickly adapt to epidemiological restrictions, learn new skills for their work. However, risks of contracting coronavirus and abandoning their usual lifestyle were higher for them. Thus, the ability to quickly adapt to new challenges in modern Russia is determined more by the quality of human potential and level of social protection in the workplace than by the income size. Along with this, potential weakening of positions under impact of the coronavirus and growing international tension for representatives of the upper and middle strata create significant risks of changes in the social structure, as well as transformation of channels and factors of social mobility.

Journal of Pension Economics & Finance ; : 1-15, 2023.
Article in English | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-2308104


This paper uses the Current Population Survey to study older workers' transitions out of employment and into retirement during the first year of the pandemic. We find that, among workers ages 55 to 79, the likelihood of leaving employment over the course of a year rose by 6.7 percentage points, a 43-percent increase over baseline. Workers without a college degree, Asian-Americans, those whose jobs were not amenable to social distancing, and part-time workers saw disproportionate impacts. In contrast, the likelihood of retiring increased by 1 percentage point, and there was no immediate retirement boom for full-time workers under 70.

European Journal of Social Security ; 25(1):60-76, 2023.
Article in English | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-2311577


In the course of the Covid-19 pandemic, short-time work as an instrument of income replacement once again proved to be an effective means of stabilising employment. However, the very concept, based on individual entitlement, led to its operational limits in respect of mass use. For example, in Germany, the complete processing of all cases in multiple stages can take years, involving corresponding strains and uncertainties for firms and labour administration. Against this background, we discuss the development of variants of job retention schemes compatible with mass use. An international comparison indicates that the legal instrument of force majeure could facilitate access with simplified criteria and procedures. We elaborate on specific proposals for the well-known German system. Going beyond simplifying existing rules, we outline a collective instrument of a wage subsidy increasing with lost revenue or hours. In this respect, drawing on results from the relevant literature, we argue that the need to limit redundancies and the precision of the instrument must be carefully balanced. Particularly in the case of mass use, qualification is indispensable, which is why the need for a concept with flexibly applicable, modular and online-based training formats, incentives and counselling services is essential. Finally, preconditions for the phasing-out of the mass use scheme are outlined. The exceptional situation would have to be officially ended - or extended - at an appropriate time with sufficient notice. Subsequent schemes may provide for transition to regular arrangements, a gradual reduction of wage subsidies, and liquidity support.

Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine ; 65(4):E269-E272, 2023.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-2292564
The Coronavirus Crisis and Challenges to Social Development: Global Perspectives ; : 295-305, 2022.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-2291621


Globally, governments are faced with the double challenge of controlling the COVID-19 pandemic while ensuring the social and economic survival of their citizens. The urban poor are uniquely affected by the impact of the pandemic, requiring comprehensive social protection measures to cushion the poor and vulnerable individuals and families. Informed by a social justice theoretical framework, this chapter focuses on the social protection responses by the Ugandan government against the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead of protecting its vulnerable population against life-threatening social and economic risks, the Ugandan government has focused more on controlling the pandemic at the expense of other social services. Findings reveal the exclusionary nature of social protection measures and the tendency of relief strategies to benefit a few undeserving instead of the poor and needy individuals and families;shocks or crises can exacerbate inequalities, and so can policy responses to mitigate the impact of these crises or shocks. The chapter recommends adaptable and flexible social protection strategies that are underpinned by a social justice lens. The chapter further points to the need to establish a specific database to guide social protection for the most vulnerable for now and in case of future emergencies. This goal could be achieved through strengthening community surveillance to maintain the social protection during emergencies and the need for social safety nets for the most vulnerable in society, even in a liberalised society. © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022.

International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies ; 39(1):43-48, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2290768


The COVID-19 pandemic has affirmed the importance of social protection. To combat the effects of the pandemic, countries have taken exceptional measures to preserve health and have introduced or adapted measures to provide income support to people who have lost their sources of income. The pandemic has also highlighted the weaknesses of the social protection system in Morocco, introduced in 1940, which is composed of a contributory system whose financing depends on social security contributions and regulations, and a subsidiary system which takes into covers people who do not have access to contributory basic social insurance. The kick-off for the implementation of the social protection reform in Morocco was given in April 2021 and should be spread over five years. The objective of this reform is to reorganize and improve the operation of the various social protection instruments with a view to greater effectiveness and increased efficiency and also to create new components likely to extend coverage. This large-scale reform initiated by Morocco requires an annual envelope estimated at 51 billion dirhams, which constitutes a major challenge for the country's public finances, which have been hit by the COVID-19 crisis.

World Review of Political Economy ; 12(2):255-275, 2021.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2305759


In this paper, we offer an explanation for cyclical reforms to pension systems, based on the experience of countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) over the last three decades. We conclude that in making the transition to funded pension design, governments not only transfer longevity and fiscal risks to the individual but also absorb risks transferred from the public, with each market actor transferring undiversifiable risks to the other. This pathway of hidden risks, which has not previously been discussed in the literature, stems from a public expectation that citizens will enjoy risk premiums and adequate old-age benefits, an expectation that evolves into political pressure. The outcomes of this risk path are realized in financial transfers, such as means-tested social security and minimum pension guarantees. Consequently, funded pension designs converge naturally into a new landscape paradigm of risk-sharing, with intergenerational and intragenerational components. Financial crises such as the one accompanying the recent COVID-19 pandemic foster the convergence process.